Invite clarity, hope, & joy back into your life again.
Anna Kantsios, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Life doesn’t look the way you thought it would.
Maybe it’s due to a loss you knew was coming or one that was totally unexpected. Either way, you feel stressed, hesitant, and don’t want to accept life the way it looks right now. You remember a time when feeling overwhelmed and uncertain weren’t the norm. But those days feel few and far between.
You wish you had a space to spill it all out that’s free from advice you’re not asking for and platitudes that feel more insulting than supportive. You want to be understood, listened to, and get a chance to just be as you are: grieving.

This space is dedicated to you...
I’m Anna, and I help adults just like you who are trying to navigate life after loss: ones that have it within them to find their way through the pain and suffering, but just need the support to get there.
I help my clients find confidence, clarity, and direction by equipping them with a space to process their grief and develop the tools they need to find themselves again after significant loss.
Many of today’s solutions for grief try to offer you a roadmap or simple, quick fix. I’m going to be honest with you here - I don’t have the map, I can’t guarantee something quick, and I work with those who are experiencing things in life that can’t be fixed. What I do have, is the grace, experience, and care to walk with you where you are in your grief journey so that you don’t feel so alone and overwhelmed.
I’m in your corner and I’m here to listen to whatever is coming up for you in the midst of your loss. Often, this is where we begin - where you want to. For some…
- This loss may bring up things from the past
- The present could be full of challenging relationships, weird conversations, isolation, crying with no end in sight, trouble sleeping, you know the drill
- There are those already frightful of the future: “What do you mean the future? I don’t care about any future without my loved one!”
Here again - everyone loves a good map when they’re feeling lost! It’s hard to say for certain what this loss will bring up for you, therefore, it’s hard to predict what each session will look like and entail. To me, that’s the unique piece of this work. You are unique, your experiences are unique, and your loss is unique. I will do my best to meet you exactly where you are.
Grieve openly, passionately, & without limitations.
My experience with grief and relationships means I have the patience, presence, and compassion you need and deserve when you’ve lost someone you love. At the end of the day, you just want a space where someone “gets it”. A person that doesn’t overwhelm you with suggestions or simple solutions to complicated things. You want to know that you’re not crazy and that there is actually ground underneath your feet.
I get it because my world has also been rocked by loss - loss of loved ones, loss of a pet, loss of direction, loss of what I thought I knew. I know that sometimes you feel like giving up. My professional and personal experience don’t mean that I’m steps ahead of you - they help me to walk alongside you. Allow me the opportunity to understand what you’re going through and support you in finding your way through this. When we work together, you won’t just get a trained therapist. You’ll get someone who truly wants to be with you in one of the most difficult times of your life.
Right now, you may be feeling uncertain about being able to get through this. Let me hold the hope for you until you learn how to hold the hope for yourself.
Experience & Education
Degrees & Certifications
- Master of Arts in Marriage & Family Therapy, Appalachian State University
- Certificate in Addiction Studies, Appalachian State University
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, University of South Carolina
- Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, LMFT NC #1766
- South Carolina LMFT Telehealth Provider #175 (online therapy only)
4 years (and growing) working with a local Hospice & Palliative Care providing bereavement counseling to family members who have experienced the loss of a loved one through hospice